NEP-52: Fee market change for NewChain
NEP | 52 |
Title | Fee market change for NewChain |
Author(s) | newchain |
Discussions To | |
Category | Technical |
Type | Process |
Status | Rejected |
Created | 2022-03-03 |
Simple Summary #
This proposal proposes a transaction pricing mechanism, based on Ether EIP-1559, for NewChain that forces to burn a minimum amount per block, while exempting the consensus layer transactions from network fee.
Abstract #
As described in
EIP-1559, we introduce a new
EIP-2718 transaction type,
with the format 0x02 || rlp([chain_id, nonce, max_priority_fee_per_gas, max_fee_per_gas, gas_limit, destination, amount, data, access_list, signature_y_parity, signature_r, signature_s])
There is a base fee per gas in protocol, which can move up or down each block according to a formula which is a function of gas used in parent block and gas target (block gas limit divided by elasticity multiplier) of parent block. The algorithm results in the base fee per gas increasing when blocks are above the gas target, and decreasing when blocks are below the gas target. The base fee per gas is burned. Transactions specify the maximum fee per gas they are willing to give to miners to incentivize them to include their transaction (aka: priority fee). Transactions also specify the maximum fee per gas they are willing to pay total (aka: max fee), which covers both the priority fee and the block’s network fee per gas (aka: base fee). The transaction will always pay the base fee per gas of the block it was included in, and they will pay the priority fee per gas set in the transaction, as long as the combined amount of the two fees doesn’t exceed the transaction’s maximum fee per gas.
Newton makes a unique improvement on this basis by setting a minimum value of BaseFee, that each gas has a minimum burn fee, to avoid the problem of low minimum burn value of each gas due to low network transaction volume. At the same time, the network fee for consensus layer transactions is exempted in order to be compatible with the characteristics of Newton consensus.
Motivation #
Newton historically priced transaction fees using a simple auction mechanism, where users send transactions with bids (“gasprices”) and miners choose transactions with the highest bids, and transactions that get included pay the bid that they specify. At the same time, Newton node miners functioning normally are able to receive consensus layer rewards NEWNEW so that miners receive both the user’s transaction fee and the consensus layer rewards.
An important aspect of this fee system is that miners only get to keep the priority fee. The base fee is always burned (i.e. it is destroyed by the protocol).This ensures that only NEW can ever be used to pay for transactions on Newton, cementing the economic value of NEW within the Newton platform. Additionally, this burn counterbalances Newton inflation while still giving the block reward and priority fee to miners. Finally, ensuring the miner of a block does not receive the base fee is important because it removes miner incentive to manipulate the fee in order to extract more fees from users.
Specification #
, the BaseFee
of per block MUST not less than BaseFeeMin
is the minimum BaseFee and the value is250000000000000
Note: //
is integer division, round down.
from typing import Union, Dict, Sequence, List, Tuple, Literal
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class TransactionLegacy:
signer_nonce: int = 0
gas_price: int = 0
gas_limit: int = 0
destination: int = 0
amount: int = 0
payload: bytes = bytes()
v: int = 0
r: int = 0
s: int = 0
class Transaction2930Payload:
chain_id: int = 0
signer_nonce: int = 0
gas_price: int = 0
gas_limit: int = 0
destination: int = 0
amount: int = 0
payload: bytes = bytes()
access_list: List[Tuple[int, List[int]]] = field(default_factory=list)
signature_y_parity: bool = False
signature_r: int = 0
signature_s: int = 0
class Transaction2930Envelope:
type: Literal[1] = 1
payload: Transaction2930Payload = Transaction2930Payload()
class Transaction1559Payload:
chain_id: int = 0
signer_nonce: int = 0
max_priority_fee_per_gas: int = 0
max_fee_per_gas: int = 0
gas_limit: int = 0
destination: int = 0
amount: int = 0
payload: bytes = bytes()
access_list: List[Tuple[int, List[int]]] = field(default_factory=list)
signature_y_parity: bool = False
signature_r: int = 0
signature_s: int = 0
class Transaction1559Envelope:
type: Literal[2] = 2
payload: Transaction1559Payload = Transaction1559Payload()
Transaction2718 = Union[Transaction1559Envelope, Transaction2930Envelope]
Transaction = Union[TransactionLegacy, Transaction2718]
class NormalizedTransaction:
signer_address: int = 0
signer_nonce: int = 0
max_priority_fee_per_gas: int = 0
max_fee_per_gas: int = 0
gas_limit: int = 0
destination: int = 0
amount: int = 0
payload: bytes = bytes()
access_list: List[Tuple[int, List[int]]] = field(default_factory=list)
class Block:
parent_hash: int = 0
uncle_hashes: Sequence[int] = field(default_factory=list)
author: int = 0
state_root: int = 0
transaction_root: int = 0
transaction_receipt_root: int = 0
logs_bloom: int = 0
difficulty: int = 0
number: int = 0
gas_limit: int = 0 # note the gas_limit is the gas_target * ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER
gas_used: int = 0
timestamp: int = 0
extra_data: bytes = bytes()
proof_of_work: int = 0
nonce: int = 0
base_fee_per_gas: int = 0
class Account:
address: int = 0
nonce: int = 0
balance: int = 0
storage_root: int = 0
code_hash: int = 0
INITIAL_BASE_FEE = 1000000000
BASE_FEE_MIN = 250000000000000 # Newton
class World(ABC):
def validate_block(self, block: Block) -> None:
parent_gas_target = self.parent(block).gas_limit // ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER
parent_gas_limit = self.parent(block).gas_limit
# on the fork block, don't account for the ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER to avoid
# unduly halving the gas target.
if INITIAL_FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER == block.number:
parent_gas_target = self.parent(block).gas_limit
parent_gas_limit = self.parent(block).gas_limit * ELASTICITY_MULTIPLIER
parent_base_fee_per_gas = self.parent(block).base_fee_per_gas
parent_gas_used = self.parent(block).gas_used
transactions = self.transactions(block)
# check if the block used too much gas
assert block.gas_used <= block.gas_limit, 'invalid block: too much gas used'
# check if the block changed the gas limit too much
assert block.gas_limit < parent_gas_limit + parent_gas_limit // 1024, 'invalid block: gas limit increased too much'
assert block.gas_limit > parent_gas_limit - parent_gas_limit // 1024, 'invalid block: gas limit decreased too much'
# check if the gas limit is at least the minimum gas limit
assert block.gas_limit >= 5000
# check if the base fee is correct
if INITIAL_FORK_BLOCK_NUMBER == block.number:
expected_base_fee_per_gas = INITIAL_BASE_FEE
elif parent_gas_used == parent_gas_target:
expected_base_fee_per_gas = parent_base_fee_per_gas
elif parent_gas_used > parent_gas_target:
gas_used_delta = parent_gas_used - parent_gas_target
base_fee_per_gas_delta = max(parent_base_fee_per_gas * gas_used_delta // parent_gas_target // BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR, 1)
expected_base_fee_per_gas = parent_base_fee_per_gas + base_fee_per_gas_delta
expected_base_fee_per_gas = max(expected_base_fee_per_gas, BASE_FEE_MIN) # Newton
gas_used_delta = parent_gas_target - parent_gas_used
base_fee_per_gas_delta = parent_base_fee_per_gas * gas_used_delta // parent_gas_target // BASE_FEE_MAX_CHANGE_DENOMINATOR
expected_base_fee_per_gas = parent_base_fee_per_gas - base_fee_per_gas_delta
expected_base_fee_per_gas = max(expected_base_fee_per_gas, BASE_FEE_MIN) # Newton
assert expected_base_fee_per_gas == block.base_fee_per_gas, 'invalid block: base fee not correct'
# execute transactions and do gas accounting
cumulative_transaction_gas_used = 0
for unnormalized_transaction in transactions:
# Note: this validates transaction signature and chain ID which must happen before we normalize below since normalized transactions don't include signature or chain ID
signer_address = self.validate_and_recover_signer_address(unnormalized_transaction)
transaction = self.normalize_transaction(unnormalized_transaction, signer_address)
signer = self.account(signer_address)
signer.balance -= transaction.amount
assert signer.balance >= 0, 'invalid transaction: signer does not have enough ETH to cover attached value'
# the signer must be able to afford the transaction
assert signer.balance >= transaction.gas_limit * transaction.max_fee_per_gas
# Newton: consensus layer transactions exemptions
if not is_consensus_layer_transaction(transaction):
# ensure that the user was willing to at least pay the base fee
assert transaction.max_fee_per_gas >= block.base_fee_per_gas
# Prevent impossibly large numbers
assert transaction.max_fee_per_gas < 2**256
# Prevent impossibly large numbers
assert transaction.max_priority_fee_per_gas < 2**256
# The total must be the larger of the two
assert transaction.max_fee_per_gas >= transaction.max_priority_fee_per_gas
# priority fee is capped because the base fee is filled first
priority_fee_per_gas = min(transaction.max_priority_fee_per_gas, transaction.max_fee_per_gas - block.base_fee_per_gas)
# signer pays both the priority fee and the base fee
effective_gas_price = priority_fee_per_gas + block.base_fee_per_gas
# Newton: consensus layer transactions exemptions
if is_consensus_layer_transaction(transaction):
priority_fee_per_gas = 0
effective_gas_price = 0
signer.balance -= transaction.gas_limit * effective_gas_price
assert signer.balance >= 0, 'invalid transaction: signer does not have enough ETH to cover gas'
gas_used = self.execute_transaction(transaction, effective_gas_price)
gas_refund = transaction.gas_limit - gas_used
cumulative_transaction_gas_used += gas_used
# signer gets refunded for unused gas
signer.balance += gas_refund * effective_gas_price
# miner only receives the priority fee; note that the base fee is not given to anyone (it is burned)
self.account( += gas_used * priority_fee_per_gas
# check if the block spent too much gas transactions
assert cumulative_transaction_gas_used == block.gas_used, 'invalid block: gas_used does not equal total gas used in all transactions'
# TODO: verify account balances match block's account balances (via state root comparison)
# TODO: validate the rest of the block
def normalize_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction, signer_address: int) -> NormalizedTransaction:
# legacy transactions
if isinstance(transaction, TransactionLegacy):
return NormalizedTransaction(
signer_address = signer_address,
signer_nonce = transaction.signer_nonce,
gas_limit = transaction.gas_limit,
max_priority_fee_per_gas = transaction.gas_price,
max_fee_per_gas = transaction.gas_price,
destination = transaction.destination,
amount = transaction.amount,
payload = transaction.payload,
access_list = [],
# 2930 transactions
elif isinstance(transaction, Transaction2930Envelope):
return NormalizedTransaction(
signer_address = signer_address,
signer_nonce = transaction.payload.signer_nonce,
gas_limit = transaction.payload.gas_limit,
max_priority_fee_per_gas = transaction.payload.gas_price,
max_fee_per_gas = transaction.payload.gas_price,
destination = transaction.payload.destination,
amount = transaction.payload.amount,
payload = transaction.payload.payload,
access_list = transaction.payload.access_list,
# 1559 transactions
elif isinstance(transaction, Transaction1559Envelope):
return NormalizedTransaction(
signer_address = signer_address,
signer_nonce = transaction.payload.signer_nonce,
gas_limit = transaction.payload.gas_limit,
max_priority_fee_per_gas = transaction.payload.max_priority_fee_per_gas,
max_fee_per_gas = transaction.payload.max_fee_per_gas,
destination = transaction.payload.destination,
amount = transaction.payload.amount,
payload = transaction.payload.payload,
access_list = transaction.payload.access_list,
raise Exception('invalid transaction: unexpected number of items')
# Newton: consensus layer transactions
def is_consensus_layer_transaction(self, transaction: Transaction) -> bool: pass
def parent(self, block: Block) -> Block: pass
def block_hash(self, block: Block) -> int: pass
def transactions(self, block: Block) -> Sequence[Transaction]: pass
# effective_gas_price is the value returned by the GASPRICE (0x3a) opcode
def execute_transaction(self, transaction: NormalizedTransaction, effective_gas_price: int) -> int: pass
def validate_and_recover_signer_address(self, transaction: Transaction) -> int: pass
def account(self, address: int) -> Account: pass
Copyright #
Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.