NEP-0: NEP Genesis

TitleNEP Genesis
Author(s)Xu Jizhe
CategoryCommunity Governance

Summary: #

For the sake of the open, transparent governance, we propose compiling all suggestions related to the Newton Project using the Newton Evolution Proposal (NEP) template for unified numbering and management. The proposals are then put to the community for broader discussion, getting opinions and suggestions from all parties involved before forming final conclusions.

Details: #

  1. Anyone can submit an NEP. The Newton Foundation is responsible for assigning an exclusive number to each.
  2. All subsequent NEPs must use this format as a template.
  3. The status may be “draft in discussion,” “not accepted,” “awaiting implementation,” “implemented,” or “implementation delayed.”
  4. The category may be “economic model,” “personnel,” “technical,” “community governance,” or “business.”
  5. After submission of the NEP, it is sent to the community for broader discussion, getting opinions and suggestions from all parties before a final decision is made.
  6. The “draft in discussion” stage lasts 30 calendar days. If no decision is reached during that stage, the status is changed to “not accepted.”